U11s Roundup 5 – Impressive Win Against Oxford & Bletchingdon Before Lord’s Day Out

Sunday 18th June 2023 โ€“ U11s league match against Oxford & Bletchingdon

The U11 team travelled to LWS upper school on Sunday morning for a Pairs match showdown against Oxford & Bletchingdon.

With only one league match scheduled, availability was strong and difficult selection decisions were made to make the 8 player team from the 16 available.

Thame went about accumulating runs quickly, reaching 326 for the loss of just 2 wickets. Amongst the batting, Daniel top scored with 32, Stan made 25, Harry 14 and Rory 12.

Thame then fielded with precision taking 7 wickets and restricting their opponents to just 225 runs. Wickets for Rory, Ryan and Daniel plus a maiden from Dylan along with some electric fielding from Seth and Charlie and 4 run outs finished the opposition off.

After putting Oxford & Blethchingdon to the sword the team then rushed off to Lords to watch Middlesex v Essex and celebrate their 100 run victory in style.

Next Sunday we play Kidlington at Home, Church Meadow.

Written by Matt Swain & James Tilley

U11s at Lords watching Middlesex v Essex

Would you like to join us?

TTCC U11s (Year 5 & 6) practice on Thursday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:45pm. We have a squad of 22 boys and girls who play in two Oxfordshire cricket league competitions with matches being played on Sunday mornings. The team is coached by 4 ECB qualified volunteer coaches and the clubs Overseas professional. There are regular social events throughout the season including a trip to Lords for the T20 Natwest Blast in June.

If you would like to join or find out more please contact:

James Tilley (u11@thamecricket.org.uk / 07970 212545)

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