Tim Dabbs
07931 131075 chairman@thamecricket.org.uk
Angus Lachlan
Vice-Chairman & Bar Manager
07966 280139 vicechair@thamecricket.org.uk / bar@thamecricket.org.uk
Jackie Phippen
Facilities Manager
07752 261832 bookings@thamecricket.org.uk
Steve Beard
07973 818689 treasurer@thamecricket.org.uk
Sally Patey
07703 924742 secretary@thamecricket.org.uk
Sheena Beard
Junior Secretary
07814 699519 juniors@thamecricket.org.uk
Hassam Mushtaq
1st Team Captain
07999 370270 firsts@thamecricket.org.uk
Robbie Jackson
2nd Team Co-Captain
07545 378871 seconds@thamecricket.org.uk
George Patey
2nd Team Co-Captain
07787 338060 seconds@thamecricket.org.uk
Chris Penny
3rd Team Captain
07545 093308 thirds@thamecricket.org.uk
Ed Mather
4th Team Captain
07796 952701 fourths@thamecricket.org.uk
Sarah Sanderson
Women's Captain
07766 113186 women@thamecricket.org.uk
Nick Fuller
Director of Cricket
07810 466244 directorofcricket@thamecricket.org.uk
Mel White
Women's Director of Cricket
07523 891929 women@thamecricket.org.uk
Fixtures Secretary
Joe Phippen
Website & Social Media
07795 518775 website@thamecricket.org.uk
Mags Lightbody
Child Safeguarding
07935 587259 childwelfare@thamecricket.org.uk
Ian McStay
Head of Player Pathway
07714 895495