The indoor coaching sessions for junior players have been running since January with better coach/player ratios than ever before and really positive feedback from both children and parents. The club will be able to call on no less than 10 coaches with ECB qualifications from the start of the season, with four more in the pipeline.
Now the focus switches outdoors and the Spring/Summer coaching classes will get under way in the w/c 18th April.
As usual these will be split up into the following groups:-
Years 1 – 4 on Mondays from 6.15 – 7.30 pm
Years 9 & 10 on Tuesdays from 5.45 – 7.00 pm
Year 11 & Adults on Tuesdays from 7.00 pm onwards
Years 5 – 8 on Wednesdays from 6.30 – 8.00 pm
With a high level of interest already, parents are encouraged to download the Summer Membership form here and return the form as early as possible to Sheena Beard, at the address shown on the form.
We are delighted this year, thanks to Clare Bowker and her team, to be able to offer 10% discount at “Top Sport” in the Buttermarket, on all cricket equipment, once you or your children are paid-up members of the club.